While driving to the shore on Sunday, my dear, sweet husband surprised me with the news that he is buying me something I've wanted for over 4 years:
My very own
SLR camera!!!
+bhphotovideo.com.jpg) |
Canon EOS Rebel T1i
I have been
obsessed with taking pictures since I was a kid, and Ben {the hubs} was actually the one who bought me my very first digital camera in 2004. Since then, I have become even more fanatical about my picture-taking. As more and more of our friends began pursuing professional photography, Ben started pushing me, saying
"You can do that, Natalie!" I resisted, partly because of the cost of an SLR camera, and partly because I was being a pansy. I didn't want to try something brave like starting a photography business {ME? A photographer??} and utterly fail.
But, with my sister's need for an Engagement Photos and my brand new camera just waiting to be purchased from
Amazon, I am out of excuses.
My first challenge will be, of course, learning how to use the camera. I've heard that the Canon is more user-friendly than others, and I certainly hope that's the case. But even still, I have a feeling I'm going to need all the help I can get!
So please, all of you camera-savvy bloggers,
Suggestions, links, anything you can think of that would get me started on the right foot:
{and FYI, the title of my post is a quote from "The Lion King" ~ so kudos to you if you caught the Disney reference}
Congratulations! I loved my DSLR until it was stolen just recently. I've been shopping around for a new one, and have been advised that Nikons are better quality (especially the lenses). I had a D80 stolen and it was no harder to use than any other camera...it's all about learning how to use it, so it's worth purchasing the camera from a place like Ritz where they offer free classes. If you're not locked into your purchase check out the D5000 - similar price range, more features.
How exciting! I got a hand-me-down Canon EOS 20D, and I love it. I am still learning all the capabilities. If you have camera-savvy friends, I'd have a couple of them talk you through the settings and functions as related to your photography needs. I also got "DSLR Photography for Dummies" as a gift, and that's helped me learn a lot about the jargon used. I don't necessarily think you need classes, just try things out and consult your friends as needed.
Yay! congrats! i LOVE my Canon. I've had it hm i guess almost a year now. I still have SOOO much to learn on it though. I definitely don't consider myself professional, but I think i've come a long way with it and am pretty happy with the way my pictures turn out. I'd eventually like to take some classes though. On my blog under photography page I have a bunch of links related with photography stuff {obviously, ha}.. so check it out when you get a chance. Good luck! You can do it!
I sure love my Canon Xsi! I have a 50mm lens and purchased them separately to get a better deal. I paid almost $200 less and feel like I got a better lens than what you get with a kit. Also my friend Ashley from Under the Sycamore is going to launch some online classes next year. I live in the same city as her and attended one of her classes and am now shooting in manual. You will love your new camera! Super excited for you! P.S Ashley has a Canon too!
congrats on the new purchase..I absolutely love love mine! i recently found out about pioneerwoman photography that i thought was pretty helpful for beginners..good luck!
Congratulations on your new camera! BTW I listed your blog for the lovely blog award. Please visit http://untiltomorrowval.blogspot.com/2010/08/lovely-blog-award.html and repost if you'd like to participate.
I'm so jealous! I've been begging my husband for one for probably a good 2-3 years! I'm sure you'll do great!
Lila Ferraro
Yeah!! Congratulations and have fun using it!!
oh wow! congratulations to you! I want one too! wish I can give u a few tips...but I'm so clueless as well...have fun with it & I'm sure you'll learn all the tricks fast!
Fun! This is the camera I have! My favorite lens is my 50mm f/1.8. And the best part is that it's just under $100. I've found a lot of useful information on this site:
Good luck!
I just got this camera too...I LOVE it! Enjoy:)
Julie xo
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