What do you think of the new, festive look? :)
While visiting family in New York, I stumbled upon the most amazing Yard Sale.
Cloth napkins, vintage books, teapots ~ everything you could think of, for very reasonable prices.

So, after about an hour of sifting through everything, I finally decided on a nice assortment of items. When I walked over to the woman who was hosting the sale, she smiled at me and said "Hi! That will be six dollars."
Six dollars...seriously? I honestly thought she was joking. I had at least $25 worth of items in my hands and scattered behind me (I found so much great stuff, I couldn't even hold it all!). Oh, and when I say $25, I mean 25 yard sale dollars...that would equal about 100+ retail store dollars. ;)
Well, she was not joking, and even though I offered to give her more money (hardcore yard-salers, please don't mock me too much for that one), she insisted, and I walked away with a ton of great items and a very full wallet!
Here are a few of my finds...

4x6 gold frame: will be painted white & placed on my new desk in the study

White Teapot ~ already found a home on the turquoise shelf by the dining room

Bamboo Tray ~ may be painted white (like yours, Deb!)
Not pictured: 2 hardcover books on decorating, 4 magenta cloth napkins (for Valentine's day), 1 teal-colored vintage book on gardening, Phase 10 (the game), 1 stove-top cover (I'll be painting it white and hanging it on the wall ~ the scrollwork on it is beautiful!), 1 tall black-and-white laundry basket, 2 3lb weights, and I think there's even more but I can't remember. :)
Have you found any great deals lately?