I am a tiny bit obsessed with thrift stores. Back home in New York, we had the Open-door Mission and the Salvation Army. Here in Virginia, we have the DAV and Good Will. Between those 4 stores, I have found dozens of treasures that I have reused and repurposed over the years. In fact, most of the items I've found currently reside in our lovely little nest.
The fun of thrift-store shopping is seeing the possibilities in something that has been neglected and rejected. I love taking an item that has been discarded and transforming it into something beautiful and functional. Plus, it's great to spend almost no money to decorate our home!
Here are some things I've brought home from various thrift stores over the past few weeks:

This is my beautiful $5 chair! It's actually not very pretty in this picture, but I knew it had potential. I wanted something small that I could put in the corner of our Master Bedroom. I painted it last weekend and will be adding a homemade pillow soon. Stay tuned for updated pics!

This shiny black teapot was just $2. All it needed was some hot, soapy water and it was ready to reside on our stove.

I just love houndstooth! This is actually a floor-length skirt I purchased for $1.50. The possibilities are endless: pillow covers, valances, custom cushions. I can't wait to begin!

This 50 cent candle-holder was disgustingly dirty. I brought it home, cleaned it up, and will either put it in our Master Bath or on one of the new shelves in our Master Bedroom.

I'd been on the hunt for chunky candle-holders like these two beauties. I almost bought a mismatched pair for $6, but for some reason, I just couldn't do it. I'm glad I waited because I found these a few days later for just $1 each!

Did I mention that I love houndstooth?? This is actually a pair of incredibly soft pants that I purchased for $2.50. I have a feeling they are destined to become pillow covers.

I love discount frames! The most I've ever spent on thrift store frames is $2, and the least I've spent is 25 cents. These are going to be painted silver and filled with home-made monograms.
Well, I hope you've enjoyed your glimpse into my most recent thrift-store adventures!