Wednesday, July 29, 2009


A few months ago, I stumbled upon some lovely monograms, made by the ever-creative John & Sherry of Young House Love (formerly This Young House):

Aren't they divine? Sherry went on Google and found "a curvy spiral staircase inspired J, a sign language A-N-D and an architecturally drawn S." So clever!

I decided to go the hand-made route with something similar in our Master Bathroom. Here is the before:

Our bathroom colors are aquamarine, white, and silver/gray. So, with sharpies in the aforementioned colors, metallic paint, and 50-cent frames from Good Will, here is the after:

Husband's first initial, our last initial, and my first initial.

What do you think? Are you currently working on any copycat and/or thrifty projects? :)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Gifty & Gallery

Brooke (from made some fabulous favors for her friend's Bridal shower and had 10 extra to give away...I just happen to be one of the lucky people who will be receiving one!

Aren't they gorgeous? The quote is too sweet - and I love the colors and the design. I can't wait to frame it and hang it in our guest room/study!

(Random question: does anyone know why my pictures are so small? I cant figure out how to make them bigger without making them blurry - any suggestions?)

In other news, I finally have pictures of the photo gallery in our guest room/study. Here is the transformation:

Some of the frames pained, some not quite yet. I lined the frames up on the ground and switched them around until I decided on a pattern I liked.

After painting each of the frames (some black, some white, some keeping their wood finish), I moved them to the wall to the right of the bed in the guest room/study.

All of the frames (except the center gallery frame, which was from IKEA) were purchased from yard sales and thrift stores like Good Will and the DAV. Each were 75 cents or less. Most of the frames are filled with pictures of fabric that I found online and printed off on regular printer paper.

Here is a close-up of one of the prints: 1 Corinthains 13:7

Clockwise from left: Fabric on printer paper, I love NY (my home state) saved on a Word Document and printed on regular paper, fabric on printer paper, "I love you" in over 50 different languages (saved on Word and printed), a mirror from Good Will, fabric on paper, more fabric on paper, one of my favorite verses printed on regular printer paper, some flower graphics printed from Word, scrapbook paper, fabric on printer paper. The center frame contains a blue and white gift bag from The Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC (my husband took me there the day after he proposed to me in Central Park).

I hope you enjoyed the pictures of our gallery! What project(s) have you been working on lately?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I love decorating with white. In every room of our house, you can find at least one white object: planters, curtains, blankets, vases, etc. My newest white purchase: a microgel down-alternative King comforter for our Master Bedroom. We actually have a Queen-sized bed but the King comforter makes it look and feel much more comfy. And do you know what this new comforter is replacing? A smaller, down comfoter I bought on a few years back, which will now be moved to the guest room. I know, I am all about the white!

After our failed comforter purchase from Target a few weeks ago (kissing pleats comforter = crap!), we settled on a much less pricey, much more fluffy one from Walmart. This baby is hypoallergenic, has sewn-through box construction and is finished with a corded edge. I just got back from the beach a few days ago and have been busy planning a surprise party for a friend, so I haven't had time to take any pictures of our new comforter. However, here is a picture I found on the store's website:

Isn't it just perfect?! I love the fresh, white color and crisp, clean lines. White bedding is great because you can pair it with pastels and neutrals for a calming space or you can combine it with bright colors for a room that is eclectic and vibrant. Here are some fabulous spaces that use primarily WHITE linens...

What color(s) do you use to accessorize your home?
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